You are here: About BHPA

The Bonny Hills Progress Association Inc (BHPA) is a voluntary incorporated organisation with a committee who are elected annually.

The Association's primary charter is to safeguard the Vision that the Bonny Hills community has agreed for the village and surrounds - in summary:

The community's clear Vision for Bonny Hills is to conserve our surrounding natural environment and wildlife, maintain our village character, promote safe roads, ensure clean water and sustain our community's quality of lifestyle by ensuring well-planned and environmentally sensitive development.

The Constitution for BHPA was adopted at the AGM on 20th March 2012. It is a slight variation on the Model Constitution for Associations provided by the Department of Fair Trading (DFT).

a. Charter Click Here

i. Governance and modus operandi Click Here

ii. Constitution Click here

b. Community Vision

i. Community Vision Click here

ii. Survey Results Click here
